Personal Finance Tips for Spending Money on Books

I am pretty sure that everybody who gets into college faces financial problems. Since you are young and have just left parents’ nest, you need a piece of advice. I will share my finance tips for college students, and I hope your life will become easier. What hits in students’ wallets the most is the enormous sums of money they spend on books. Here, I will discuss some effective ways of staying on the safe side and not becoming money crashers.

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E-books change the world

First of all, if you have nothing against e-books, you can greatly cut your expenses. Below are sites that will be useful to you if you want to spare a few dollars and learn money management.

  • AMAZONI can bet you find here all books that exist. Become friends with Amazon and you will know how to budget your money.
  • CHEGG Probably I was the only person in college who did not know what Chegg was. Now I can say that using this resource is one the best finance tips for college students.  You can both buy and rent books here, and that will be much cheaper than buying books in your school bookstore.
  • TEXTBOOK RENTALS This site is marvelous if you want to compare prices in different stores.  Just with a few clicks you will get all the information on rentals and purchases. You can make your budget choice and quickly leave the rows of money crashers.
  • BOOKRENTERThe best option of this site is that you can choose the number of days for the rent. So, if your course is short, there is no need to pay extra money.
  • HALF.COM This site resembles BookRenter, but here you can see a list of sellers. Take some time and study customers review, so that you do not get caught in the net of a scammer.
  • CAMPUSBOOKRENTALS.COM is one more awesome site. You can spare here nearly 80% off regular prices. You will say: it is hardly possible. But it is true,  I checked it personally.

You may also be interested in reading our article: “Budget Weekend in Philadelphia”

So let’s summarize the ways to learn money management and cut your expenses on textbooks:

  1. Compare prices
  2. Rent a book for a short period
  3. Use buyback options on sites like Amazon

I will be happy if my recommendations help you to save money on textbooks.