Music As An Important Aspect of Human Life
Music, since time immemorial, has been an important aspect of human life. Across the world, music is thriving and is being used for many purposes, intended or unintended. In the United Sates, President Barack Obama directed the Committee on Arts and the Humanities to carry out a study of the current state of education arts. The committee found that there was need for the U.S to reinvest in Arts Education. This shows the importance of music and art to the lives of children and the entire world populace. The purpose of this essay to look at music in its entirety, history and the role it plays within the society.

A History of Music.
Determining the origin of music is a complex task. Music probably might have started with simple hand clapping and singing, though this assertion does not bear an archeological data. However, 600 B.C and 300 B.C, historical man found a way of cultural expression in forms of painting, jewelry, and ceremonies during the burial of their relatives. Music must therefore emerged around this period. The dominant form of music during this period was the Gregorian music, named after Pope Gregory I. The Gregorian music was used by the Catholic faithful to improve the quality of service. Music began to be felt and used outside the church between the 12th and the 13th centuries, when some French nobles started writing secular songs. Music, at this age, was used to pass information to the masses since there were no other media for communication like newspapers. Past this two centuries, emerged the Renaissance Period, an age when vocal music took the center stage, outriding instrumental music of the 2th and 13th centuries. Listening to Renaissance music, one would find them to be so emotional because the feelings are expressed with balance and no extreme dynamic variations. Unlike the Medieval period music, Renaissance music contains a full sound due to the use of a bass register. The invention of printing during the Renaissance period, made music even more popular, since copies could be distributed easily and the number of music composers began to rise. After the Renaissance Period, another age of music set in; the Baroque Age. This period was marked as a time of unity, where music expressed a single mood in the entire piece of music. The changes during this period have been termed by historians as terraced dynamics. Mostly, a polyphonic texture would be used to play the Baroque music alongside multiple lines of melodies. During the 20th century, the world`s economy became stable and sustainable, meaning that people could make more money as compared to the past centuries. The people`s wealth increased their demand for aristocratic luxuries such as music, theatre and literature, hence the composition and production of music shot up.
Music for Communication.
The most critical social aptitudes in people are the capacity to decide the states of mind of everyone around us, and to utilize this to control our conduct. This can be achieved by making utilization of various cues. Among the most popular and critical, are vocal prompts from both discourse and non-discourse sounds. Music is also a dependable technique for conveying feeling. It is habitually present in social circumstances and can serve to bind together a gathering’s state of mind for formal or general social collaborations. In communicating aspects of society such as culture and drama, music such as Cole Porter`s Day and Night are the best medium for passing on the iformation.
Music and Culture.
Just like culture is the total of what we know and do, pass on from one generation to another, music is also part of this culture. Music emanates from culture, from the inherited traditions alongside current innovations and new ideas as the ages progress. The basic concept with regard to music and culture is that, music must grow out of its own context of culture. People compose music within the cultural knowledge they have learnt or heard from their elders. In the event that they compose something novel, it still has to be based on a past experience, boiling down to culture. Indeed, music is has place and a role culture, history, politics and economics. For example, The Beatles` n-rol song had a very significant impact on culture of its fans, since it incidentally coincided with period of structured society.
Music and Entertainment.
Music always, has been a form of entertainment, whether on is actively involved in the composition and production of the piece of music, or just listening passively. It is always pleasurable and gratifying to listen to music or sing after a busy day while relaxing, mostly with songs such as Marconi Union`s Weightless. Since the early years of minstrelsy, people have specifically sought music so as to experience such pleasures. Music entertainment is more prominent in social functions such as funerals and political gatherings and in solemn occasions like weddings and birthday parties, where Qu`rani`s recitation Happy Birthday to you is mostly used. For instance, Ed Sheeran`s Thinking Out Loud has been a popular entertainment song during weddings, while Sarah Brightman and Andrea Bochelli`s Time to Say Goodbye, is common in funerals.
Music and education.
Music is important in passing on important educational messages, especially to children. Education from music takes many forms such as language development. Children between the ages of two and nine are greatly affected in their language by music. Children are born with innate ability to decode sounds and words, hence music helps them to refine their language. Besides, research indicates that music has a huge link with spatial intelligence, meaning that music can influence children`s visualization of elements and solving problems they encounter during their growth period. Educational music are flooded out there, carrying different educational messages ranging from sex, social life, economy, intimacy and other spheres of human existence.A good example of songs with educative value, is that of Sam Cooke, which educates on social life. Cooke`s song introduces us to how much we can learn in life.
Music for emotional expression.
Music is an extremely potent enthusiastic communicator, and distinctive societies have diverse passionate relationship for various melodic “modes.” Now, another multifaceted review demonstrates that tonal patterns used to express sentiments in music are steady in various societies and are like those utilized as a part of discourse. Music has the ability to invigorate forceful feelings inside us, to the degree that it is most likely uncommon not to be some way or another candidly influenced by music. We as a whole comprehend what feelings are and encounter them day by day. Most of us listen to music keeping in mind the end goal to experience feelings. The particular instruments through which music brings out feelings is a rich field. Why does sound converse with our passionate mind? Why do we see passionate data in melodic elements? Why do we feel the inclination to move when listening to music? Through expanding logical comprehension of the all-inclusive and in addition the individual standards behind music-evoked feelings, we will have the capacity to better comprehend the impacts that music-listening can have and improve utilization of them in an educated way. A perfect example of a song expressing strong feelings is that of Elton John, “A Candle in the Wind: A Princess Diana Tribute”.
Music and Religion.
Music is important as a part of religion to impact others to give in to a particular religion. Nearly everybody is brought to accept a religion, and music utilized as a part of religion has turned into a major source of elevation of people for religion. It has additionally made religion more colorful and lively. In any case, the central motivation behind why music is utilized as a part of religion is to sing tunes for the sake of God and to sing their energy about existence and the life after death. For example, Vernon Wray`s God Is Color Blind, praises a supreme being; God and allude to a life after death.
Music is a central part of the human race, having have evolved overtime and passed the test of time. Besides entertainment as music has come to be widely associated with, music plays very many important roles in the society, ranging from cultural roles, educational functions, religious and emotional functions. These centralities of music and art is the reason why countries like the U.S sought to invest more in art education.